Results for 'Alexandre Teule Vega'

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  1.  27
    El cáncer hereditario en mujeres.Rafael Morales Chamorro, Isabel Chirivella González, Gemma Llort Pursals, Ana Beatriz Sánchez Heras, Raquel Serrano Blanch, Alexandre Teule Vega, Carmen Guillén Ponce & Begoña Graña Suárez - 2015 - Arbor 191 (773):a238.
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  2. Horadar la excepción: Intersticios del derecho: Giorgio Agamben: Stato di eccezione, Estado de excepción, Adriana Hidalgo editora, Buenos Aires, 2004. Por Facundo Vega.Facundo Vega - 2006 - Astrolabio 3:96-101.
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    Una discusión sobre anarquismo cristiano: Entrevista a Alexandre Christoyannopoulos.Alexandre Christoyannopoulos & Pedro García-Guirao - 2013 - Erosión: Revista de Pensamiento Anarquista 3 (2):111-123.
    De origen francés y griego, el Dr. Alexandre Christoyanno-poulos creció en Bruselas aunque lleva viviendo en Reino Unido casi desde 1997. En University of Kent estudióEconomía, Relaciones Internacionales y Estudios Europeos, y por último, Ciencias Políticas y Religión. Comenzó a trabajar en University of Kent y en Canterbury Christ Church University. Desde septiembre de 2010 es profesor de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales en la Loughborough University. Ha publicado Christian Anarchism: A Political Commentary on the Gospel (2010); en 2014 (...)
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    Evolution, Games, and Economic Behaviour.Fernando Vega-Redondo (ed.) - 1996 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This textbook for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of Evolutionary Game Theory covers recent developments in the field, with an emphasis on economic contexts and applications. It begins with the basic ideas as they originated within the field of theoretical biology and then proceeds to the formulation of a theoretical framework that is suitable for the study of social and economic phenomena from an evolutionary perspective. Core topics include the Evolutionary Stable Strategy and Replicator Dynamics, deterministic dynamic models, and stochastic (...)
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    Metacognition in moral decisions: judgment extremity and feeling of rightness in moral intuitions.Solange Vega, André Mata, Mário B. Ferreira & André R. Vaz - 2020 - Thinking and Reasoning 27 (1):124-141.
    This research investigated the metacognitive underpinnings of moral judgment. Participants in two studies were asked to provide quick intuitive responses to moral dilemmas and to indicate their fee...
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  6. Sticks and Stones may Break Your Bones, but Words can Break Your Spirit: Bullying in the Workplace.Gina Vega & Debra R. Comer - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1-3):101-109.
    Workplace bullying has a well-established body of research internationally, but the United States has lagged behind the rest of the world in the identification and investigation of this phenomenon. This paper presents a managerial perspective on bullying in organizations. The lack of attention to the concept of workplace dignity in American organizational structures has supported and even encouraged both casual and more severe forms of harassment that our workplace laws do not currently cover. The demoralization victims suffer can create toxic (...)
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    Gaining deep knowledge of Android malware families through dimensionality reduction techniques.Rafael Vega Vega, Héctor Quintián, José Luís Calvo-Rolle, Álvaro Herrero & Emilio Corchado - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (2):160-176.
  8.  30
    The impact of late, non-balanced bilingualism on cognitive performance.Mariana Vega-Mendoza, Holly West, Antonella Sorace & Thomas H. Bak - 2015 - Cognition 137:40-46.
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    Symbols and embodiment: debates on meaning and cognition.Manuel de Vega, Arthur M. Glenberg & Arthur C. Graesser (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Cognitive scientists have a variety of approaches to studying cognition: experimental psychology, computer science, robotics, neuroscience, educational psychology, philosophy of mind, and psycholinguistics, to name but a few. In addition, they also differ in their approaches to cognition - some of them consider that the mind works basically like a computer, involving programs composed of abstract, amodal, and arbitrary symbols. Others claim that cognition is embodied - that is, symbols must be grounded on perceptual, motoric, and emotional experience. The existence (...)
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  10.  14
    Christians in Iraq An analysis of some recent political developments.Herman G. B. Teule - 2012 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 88 (1):179-198.
    The collapse of the Saddam regime in March 2003 saw the publication of a number of articles or more encompassing works devoted to the situation of the Christian communities in Iraq. The majority of these focus on ecclesiastical issues and much less on political developments. However, it is clear that it would be artificial to separate the religious from the political: some religious leaders actively participate in the political debate and express views on the ethnic profile of their community, which (...)
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    Is handwriting a mixed strategy or a mixture of strategies?Hans-Leo Teulings & Arnold J. W. M. Thomassen - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):232-233.
  12. Markt versus moraal?. Een economische reflectie op Michael Sandels' verdringingsthesis'.Paul Teule - 2012 - Filosofie En Praktijk 33 (4).
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    Orthodox Church in the Arab World 700–1700: An Anthology of Sources. Edited by Samuel Noble and Alexander Treiger.Herman Teule - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (4).
    The Orthodox Church in the Arab World 700–1700: An Anthology of Sources. Edited by Samuel Noble and Alexander Treiger. Orthodox Christian Studies. Dekalb, Ill.: Northern Illinois University Press, 2014. Pp. viii + 375. $35.
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  14. Hallucinations for disjunctivists.Jesús Vega-Encabo - 2010 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 9 (2):281-293.
    In this paper, I examine the so-called disjunctive views on hallucinations. I argue that neither of the options open to the disjunctivist is capable of accommodating basic phenomenological facts about hallucinatory experiences and the explanatory demands behind the classical argument from hallucination. A positive characterization of the hallucinatory case is not attractive to a disjunctivist once she is disposed to accept certain commonalities with veridical experiences. Negative disjunctivism glosses the hallucinatory disjunct in terms of indiscriminability. I will argue that this (...)
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    The Ethics of Entrepreneurial Shared Value.Patricio Osorio-Vega - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (4):981-995.
    In the business ethics literature, the growing interest in social entrepreneurship has remained limited to the assumption that pursuing a social mission will clash against the pursuit of associated economic achievements. This ignores recent developments in the social entrepreneurship literature which show that social missions and economic achievement can also have a mutually constitutive relation. We address this gap adopting the notion of shared value for an ethical inquiry of social entrepreneurship. Using a sensemaking framework, we assume that the emergence (...)
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  16. Levels of embodied meaning: From pointing to counterfactuals.Manuel de Vega - 2008 - In Manuel de Vega, Arthur M. Glenberg & Arthur C. Graesser, Symbols and embodiment: debates on meaning and cognition. New York: Oxford University Press.
  17.  65
    A Critique of Barbieri’s Code Biology Through Rosen’s Relational Biology: Reconciling Barbieri’s Biosemiotics with Peircean Biosemiotics.Federico Vega - 2018 - Biological Theory 13 (4):261-279.
    Biosemiotics argues that “sign” and “meaning” are two essential concepts for the explanation of life. Peircean biosemiotics, founded by Tomas Sebeok from Peirce’s semiotics and Jacob von Uexkül’s studies on animal communication, today makes up the mainstream of this discipline. Marcello Barbieri has developed an alternative account of meaning in biology based on the concept of code. Barbieri rejects Peircean biosemiotics on the grounds that this discipline opens the door to nonscientific approaches to biology through its use of the concept (...)
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  18.  14
    Compendio de lógica, argumentación y retórica.Luis Vega Reñón & Paula Olmos Gómez (eds.) - 2012 - [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
    Fruto de una convergencia de motivos e intereses procedentes de diversas disciplinas, los estudios sobre la argumentación han adquirido sus propias señas de identidad como conocimiento, análisis y evaluación del discurso argumentativo a través de sus dimensiones o proyecciones lógica, dialéctica, retórica y socio-institucional. La presente obra trata de reunir, precisar y articular las nociones básicas y los conceptos determinantes de los desarrollos que hoy tienen lugar en ese campo. Este Compendio de lógica, argumentación y retórica se ofrece como una (...)
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  19.  47
    The Representation of Changing Emotions in Reading Comprehension.Manuelde Vega - 1996 - Cognition and Emotion 10 (3):303-322.
  20.  66
    Aristotle's Endoxa and Plausible Argumentation.Luis Vega Renon - 1998 - Argumentation 12 (1):95-113.
    Aristotle's conception and use of ta endoxa are key points to our understanding of Aristotelian dialectic. But, nowadays, they are not of historical or hermeneutic importance alone, as, in Aristotle's treatment of endoxa, we still see a relevant contribution to the modern study of argumentation. I propose here an interpretation of endoxa to that effect: namely, as plausible propositions. This version is not only defensible in the Aristotelian context, it may also shed new light on some of his assumptions and (...)
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    Alexandre Lefebvre interviews Paul Patton.Alexandre Lefebvre - 2013 - Contemporary Political Theory 12 (3):206-214.
  22. Reflecting on the debate.Manuel de Vega, A. Graesser & A. Glenberg - 2008 - In Manuel de Vega, Arthur M. Glenberg & Arthur C. Graesser, Symbols and embodiment: debates on meaning and cognition. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    An Integrated Account of Rosen’s Relational Biology and Peirce’s Semiosis. Part I: Components and Signs, Final Cause and Interpretation.Federico Vega - forthcoming - Biosemiotics:1-20.
    Robert Rosen’s relational biology and biosemiotics share the claim that life cannot be explained by the laws that apply to the inanimate world alone. In this paper, an integrated account of Rosen’s relational biology and Peirce’s semiosis is proposed. The ultimate goal is to contribute to the construction of a unified framework for the definition and study of life. The relational concepts of component and mapping, and the semiotic concepts of sign and triadic relation are discussed and compared, and a (...)
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    Correction to: A Critique of Barbieri’s Code Biology Through Rosen’s Relational Biology: Reconciling Barbieri’s Biosemiotics with Peircean Biosemiotics.Federico Vega - 2018 - Biological Theory 13 (4):280-280.
    In the ‘Barbieri’s Concept of Mechanisms’ section on page 12 of above mentioned article.
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  25. Perceived Emotional Intelligence and Learning Strategies in Spanish University Students: A New Perspective from a Canonical Non-symmetrical Correspondence Analysis.María C. Vega-Hernández, María C. Patino-Alonso, Rosario Cabello, María P. Galindo-Villardón & Pablo Fernández-Berrocal - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Vrijheid voor gevorderden.Paul Teule - 2016 - Amsterdam: Boom.
  27.  9
    PANIKKAR, Raimon. El ritme de l’Ésser. Les Gifford Lectures.Amador Vega - 2014 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 52:129-131.
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    Tratado de los cuatro modos del espíritu.Amador Vega - 2005 - Barcelona: Alpha Decay.
    «Un paso difícil en la comprensión de la experiencia sensible de la vista se presenta en la naturaleza cromática de las cosas del mundo. La naturaleza sensible del cuerpo no está preparada para una percepción completa ni perfecta del color en su pureza unitaria. La mirada, como voluntad de la vista, se hace cargo de las diferencias. Los colores, con todo, no le ahorran a la vista ningún sacrificio respecto a la realidad acromática del mundo, pues éste escapa a todo (...)
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  29.  18
    La evaluación de la escritura creativa en el contexto universitario.Pilar Vega Rodríguez - 2020 - Arbor 196 (798):a579.
    Existe una larga tradición sobre las rúbricas pedagógicas de la escritura, principalmente referida a los niveles educativos no universitarios y con aplicación a la competencia lingüística en la lengua nativa o en una segunda lengua. En este trabajo se revisan los resultados de investigación referidos a la evaluación de la escritura creativa en niveles preuniversitarios y universitarios en contextos generales, en cuanto corresponden al desarrollo de competencias en la lengua nativa, más allá de su empleo en el desarrollo del pensamiento (...)
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    Tà Éndoxa: argumentación y plausabilidad.Luis Vega - 1993 - Endoxa 1 (1):5.
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  31. Ontología analítica contemporánea: el legado del debate Carnap-Quine.G. A. Flórez Vega & René J. Campis C. - 2018 - In Roger De Jesús Sepúlveda Fernández, Estudios filosóficos en ciencia, tecnología y sociedad. Barranquilla: Universidad del Atlántico. pp. 135-148.
    El debate que se gestó alrededor del concepto de existencia en manos de Willard Van Orman Quine y Rudolf Carnap, dio al siglo XX un cúmulo de aportes significativos a la ontología. La postura realista, con algunas variantes, de Quine y el criterio anti-realista de Carnap, otorga insumos para pensar de mejor forma cómo se intenta dar descripciones acerca del inmobiliario del mundo. Conocer este debate es importante, ya que, se expone los alcances y limitaciones que implican las explicaciones ontológicas (...)
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    Models of Visuospatial Cognition.Manuel de Vega, Margaret Jean Intons-Peterson, Philip N. Johnson-Laird, Michel Denis & Marc Marscharck - 1996 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This second volume in the Counterpoints Series focuses on alternative models of visual-spatial processing in human cognition. The editors provide a historical and theoretical introduction and offer ideas about directions and new research designs.
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  33. United Kingdom: An Examination of the Configuration of the Sharing Economy, Pressing Issues, and Research Directions.Rodrigo Perez-Vega, Brian Jones, Penny Travlou & Cristina Miguel - 2021 - In Andrzej Klimczuk, Vida Česnuityte & Gabriela Avram, The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives. Limerick: University of Limerick. pp. 359-371.
    This chapter aims to examine the configuration of the sharing economy in the United Kingdom. The chapter provides an examination of the key opportunities and challenges that this socio-economic model generates in the country. It includes an account of different sharing economy initiatives in the United Kingdom, including crowdfunding projects, tool libraries, timesharing banks, men’s sheds, and shared workspaces, commercial sharing economy services, micro-libraries, community-gardening projects, and paid online peer-to-peer accommodation. Increased consumer choice and economic benefits derived from an extended (...)
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  34. Una guía de historia de la lógica.Luis Vega - 1996
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    Feminist republicanism. Etta palm-aelders on justice, virtue and men.Judith Vega - 1989 - History of European Ideas 10 (3):333-351.
    I want to thank Marybeth Carlson and Rudolf Dekker. Their careful readings of the article have contributed much to the form and content of the article.
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    “What Button Do I Press?” the Consequences of Conducting a Service Learning Project with Senior Citizens.Gina Vega & Mary Ann McHugh - 2003 - Journal of Academic Ethics 1 (1):91-117.
    In an effort to build interest in the two-year old service learning center and to fulfill its mission to integrate academic life with service in thoughtful and relevant ways, a competition was held to award developmental grants to faculty to create innovative courses incorporating service learning. The winning proposal from the business school used a business ethics course as the vehicle for formally introducing service into the business curriculum. This paper will tell the story of the intended and unintended consequences (...)
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    Autonomy and knowledge: comments on Adam Carter’s Autonomous Knowledge.Jesús Vega-Encabo - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In his book Autonomous Knowledge. Radical Enhancement, Autonomy, and the Future of Knowing (OUP, 2022). J. Adam Carter argues that both propositional knowledge and know-how must include a condition of autonomy in their analyses. The book aims to propose a theory of the nature of knowledge and its value that responds to the challenge raised by cases of undue epistemic dependence and radical performance enhancement. Throughout the book, Carter articulates an idea of epistemic autonomy that fluctuates between its positive component, (...)
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    The development of implicit leadership theories during childhood: A reconceptualization through the lens of overlapping waves theory.Claudia Escobar Vega, Jon Billsberry, John Molineux & Kevin B. Lowe - forthcoming - Psychological Review.
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    On the Tragedy of the Modern Condition: The ‘Theologico-Political Problem’ in Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss, and Hannah Arendt.Facundo Vega - 2017 - The European Legacy 22 (6):697-728.
    This article addresses Eric L. Santner’s claim that “there is more political theology in everyday life than we might have ever thought” by analyzing the “theologico-political problem” in the work of three prominent twentieth-century political thinkers—Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss, and Hannah Arendt. Schmitt, Strauss, and Arendt share a preoccupation with the crisis of modern political liberalism and confront the theologico-political problem in a similar spirit: although their responses differ dramatically, their individual accounts dwell on the absence of incontestable principles in (...)
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  40. Estética apofática y hermenéutica del misterio: elementos para una crítica de la visibilidad [Apophatic Aesthetics and Hermeneutics of Mystery: Some Elements for a Criticism of Visibility].Amador Vega - 2009 - Dianoia 54 (62):3-25.
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    ‘No-religión’ y ‘religiosidad liminal’: propuestas investigativas para el estudio de la desafección religiosa institucional en América Latina.Fabián Bravo Vega - 2024 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 29:e90731.
    El siguiente artículo tiene como objetivo presentar dos herramientas analíticas para la comprensión del proceso de desafección de las instituciones religiosas en el contexto de la modernidad latinoamericana: el concepto de ‘no-religión’ y una estrategia centrada en el carácter de liminalidad de lo religioso (‘religiosidad liminal’). El principal argumento sostiene que la desafección religiosa, entendida desde el crecimiento de la población no-afiliada y otros fenómenos asociados suponen la existencia de un espacio heterogéneo y no una categoría residual y negativa. Para (...)
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  42. Deliberación y discurso civil: nuevas perspectivas en el campo de la argumentación.Luis Vega - 2008 - Laguna 22:35-52.
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    The Concept of Knowledge: What is It For?Jesús Vega-Encabo - 2016 - Disputatio 8 (43):187-202.
    What is the concept of knowledge for? What does it do for us? This question cannot be severed from considerations about what we do by using it. In this paper, I propose to view the point of our concept of knowledge in terms of a device for acknowledging epistemic authority in a social and normative space in which we share valuable information. It is our way of collectively expressing the acknowledgment we owe to others because of their being creditable when (...)
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  44.  46
    Contexto histórico del origen de la Ética de la investigación científica y su fundamentación filosófica.Adela Montero Vega - 2020 - Revista Ethika+ 1:11-29.
    Dado que la bioética surge como reacción a la vulneración de la dignidad de las personas, se crearon comisiones para normar la experimentación con humanos. Considerar los límites de la investigación biomédica y la práctica rutinaria de la medicina precisan criterios de riesgo/beneficio en las investigaciones donde participan sujetos. ¿Qué principios responden a la dilemática situación de experimentar con humanos? ¿pueden estos principios fundamentar criterios normativos y regulatorios que valgan para la ética de la investigación? ¿Cuáles son los límites en (...)
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  45.  27
    “En las cercanías, en las lejanías”: Hannah Arendt, Walter Benjamin y el principio an-árquico del comienzo.Facundo Vega Facundo Vega - 2023 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 14 (3):47-71.
    El presente artículo examina el modo en el que Arendt comprende los “comienzos políticos” a través de su _Auseinandersetzung_ con la teorización de Walter Benjamin. En primer lugar, el artículo retornará a la concepción benjaminiana del _Ursprung_ para mostrar la importancia de ella en el enfoque arendtiano del _Anfang_, haciendo legible lo que llamaré el “problema filosófico-político”. En segundo lugar, se explicará cómo los “momentos benjaminianos” en la comprensión arendtiana sobre los comienzos ayudan a la autora a tratar los problemas (...)
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    A comparison of time series lags and non-lags in Spanish electricity price forecasting using data science models.Belén Vega-Márquez, Javier Solís-García, Isabel A. Nepomuceno-Chamorro & Cristina Rubio-Escudero - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (6):1036-1047.
    Electricity is an indicator that shows the progress of a civilization; it is a product that has greatly changed the way we think about the world. Electricity price forecasting became a fundamental task in all countries due to the deregulation of the electricity market in the 1990s. This work examines the effectiveness of using multiple variables for price prediction given the large number of factors that could influence the price of the electricity market. The tests were carried out over four (...)
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    Interroger le féminisme.Cristina Vega - 2003 - Multitudes 2 (2):49-60.
    An examination of contemporary feminism is an exploration of trajectories. Trajectories across the changing scenarios of women in globalization. In this contextm the question of violence against women as a source of both the legitimsation and the management of the social and the perfecting of workm of affects and of daily life in the era of flexible reproduction become key spheres of the transformation of the technologies of the government of gender. The conflict that incites the various and urgent administrative (...)
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    ¿Por Que es Necesario Distinguir entre "Ciencia" y "Tecnica"? (Why do we need to distinguish between "Science " and "Technology "?).Jesús Vega - 2001 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 16 (1):167-184.
    RESUMEN: Este artículo argumenta a favor de la necesidad de mantener una distinción nítida entre ciencia y técnica en contra de ciertas tendencias interpretativas y socio-institucionales dominantes en algunos círculos de filósofos y sociólogos. Se presentan dos argumentos: el primero insiste en la conveniencia analitíca de describir direrencìadamente las actividades científicas y tecnológicas a partir de las nociones de "acto epistémico" y "acto material"; el segundo descubre en las reglas constitutivas de la aceptabilidad de resultados científicos y técnicos respectivamente un (...)
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    Teorías subjetivas de docentes acerca del tiempo en contexto de enseñanza priorizada en pandemia.Vladimir Caamaño Vega, Hedbenhard G. Díaz & Pablo J. Castro - 2024 - Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 34 (1).
    : El estudio de la percepción y significación de la variable tiempo por parte del profesorado ha sido un aporte en la comprensión de diversos fenómenos educativos. El objetivo de esta investigación cualitativa fue describir e interpretar las teorías subjetivas de docentes sobre el tiempo de enseñanza priorizada en el contexto de pandemia. Se realizaron entrevistas episódicas grupales a 11 profesores de establecimientos escolares de la Región de Coquimbo (Chile). Los datos fueron analizados utilizando procedimientos de la teoría fundamentada, lo (...)
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  50. La autocomunicación absoluta de Dios en sí mismo según Karl Rahner.Jorge Aros Vega - 2011 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 25:133-151.
    El propósito del artículo es profundizar el carácter absoluto de la auto-comunicación de Dios al hombre, lo cual entregará un aporte a la teología actual en lo que se refiere a la comprensión y utilización del concepto de auto-comunicación, y a la vez entender de un modo renovado el encuentro entre Dios y el hombre, lo que permitirá hallar nuevas pistas para la entrega del mensaje cristiano al hombre contemporáneo. El escrito aborda el tema en dos tópicos: el primero en (...)
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